I Empower Me

Coordinator: Richard Giddens Jr

This program challenges individuals in numerous areas, including casting inner vision, setting goals, owning emotions, taking responsibility for decisions, seizing opportunity, etc.

Everybody wants to go D1: This session challenges student-athletes to embrace a pure self-examination, assessing themselves within each objective.

I Can’t Stand School: This session challenges student to cast vision within themselves and to use school as a vehicle to attain their dreams.

Im So Pissed Off: This session challenges people to assess the root of their anger, explore solutions to address their anger, and understand the importance and responsibility of “Owning Your Emotions.”

What Do I Do Now?: This session challenges people to see life as a tree, filled with leaves & branches of opportunity; and to look deep within themselves to light or relight the fire and drive to succeed.

I Used To Be The Man: This session encourages people to dream again and to take on the challenge of starting over.